Following the Bible’s instructions for church leadership, we have two teams of leaders – elders & deacons. The elders are responsible for shepherding the flock by exercising oversight and being an example to the believers.  They teach the Scriptures, counsel and disciple believers, lead the worship services, and direct the church’s vision for ministry. The deacons assist the elders in serving the flock by leading the church’s benevolence ministry. They assist the elders with the ordinances of Baptism and the Lord’s Supper. They also take care of the function of the church building and safety of the people during church services.

The leaders of Anniston Bible Church aspire to exercise the kind of biblical authority, spiritual influence, and sacrificial love described above. Our aim is to so live, lead, and preach Christ that every believer becomes a reverent worshiper, a serving minister, and a bold witness for Jesus Christ, so that the whole church matures in a loving display of the glory of the Lord.

Our Elders


Justin Caudle

Elder, FCA Missionary


Bob St. John

Pastor – Teacher


Bob St. John

Pastor – Teacher